Computer Basics

You will understand how computers work and how to use them. We'll talk about how to set up a computer, the difference between hardware and software, and the types of computers you can use. We'll also explore operating systems, applications, the cloud, and a whole lot more.

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 3 Students enrolled English
Created by Mohamud Hassan
Last updated Thu, 13-Jul-2023
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Course overview

Basic Computer waa kooras aad ku baran doonto aasaska computer-ka sidda:-

1. Hordhac Computer-ka

2.Qaybaha uu ka Gooban yahay Computer-ka

3.Inta Nooc Ee Uqabsamo Computer-ka

iyo qaybo kale oo badan kuwaas oo kusaabsan Aasaaska Computer-ka.

Koorsadaan Waxa Dhigan kara Cidwalba Oo Rabta Inay Aqoon Fiican Uyeelato Computer-ka iyo Qaybihiisa.

Insha alaah Inaad wax badan ka faaiido ayaan rajeenayaa..

This Course Presents an Overview of Computers in our world today, Understand how computers work and how to use them. We'll talk about how to set up a computer, the difference between hardware and software, and the types of computers you can use. We'll also explore operating systems, applications and a whole lot more.

What will i learn?

  • Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
  • 1. Describe Basic Computer?
  • 2. Identify the components and function of the hardware used in a computer system.
  • 3. Describe the function of system software.
  • 4. Describe the function of application software.
  • 5. Differentiate PC and MAC
  • No previous experience with computers is required or assumed (Umma Baahnid Aqoon Hore Ee Computerka Inaad lahaataa).
  • You must have it Laptop or Mobile and Interned (Waxa waajib ah Inaad Haysato Computer ama Mobile iyo Interned).
  • Note Takin and Reading More. (Qoraal Inaad kasameesato Cashirka Markii Aad Dhageesanayso Si aad Akhrin Badan ugu Sameeso)
Curriculum for this course
13 Lessons 02:26:00 Hours
Chapter 1
5 Lessons 00:46:30 Hours
  • Introduction to Basic Computer
  • Quiz 1
  • Hardware & Software
  • Types of Computer
  • PC and Mac
Chapter 2
5 Lessons 01:09:00 Hours
  • Introduction Parts of Computer
  • Computer Case
  • Monitor
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
Chapter 3
3 Lessons 00:30:30 Hours
  • Introduction Buttons and Ports
  • Laptop and Desktop Ports and Buttons
  • Printer and Scanner
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About instructor

Mohamud Hassan

1 Reviews | 5 Students | 7 Courses
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